On Saturday, 1 June 2013 at 20:20:56 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
So I'm still playing with this and just realized the TypeInfos that are manually written in the real druntime could just as easily be auto-generated.

mixin(makeTypeInfo!(char[], ... more types as needed ... )());

private string makeTypeInfo(T...)() {
if(__ctfe) { // this is here so we don't have runtime requirements of array append, etc, but can still use them in ctfe

        string code;
        foreach(t; T) {
code ~= "class TypeInfo_" ~ t.mangleof ~ " : TypeInfo { override string toString() const { return \""~t.stringof~"\"; }
        return code;

        } else assert(0);

and so on for the other typeinfo methods. Or we could just copy/paste the typeinfos Walter wrote in the real druntime but meh.

What I'm actually doing with most these is this:

class TypeInfo_A : TypeInfo {}
class TypeInfo_i : TypeInfo {}

So they are pretty much useless at runtime, but the compiler often outputs references to them, so if we don't have the definition, it won't actually link.

But just thinking about runtime reflection, if we wanted to expand it, I say this is the way to go. Literally build the runtime code out of the compile time information.

Currently, you can't do something like typeid(int).isIntegral(). There is no isIntegral function, and adding it means doing a lot of boring manual stuff to add.

But with the mixin, we can just throw it in with three lines and be done with it.

I might actually do that here, just because I can. On a -version switch, of course, so you can easily opt out of the fat implementation.

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