On 6/14/2013 8:15 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
My one major complaint about using ddoc is the need for the $(P ) macro
everywhere, whereas LaTeX inserts paragraphs based on empty lines. I should
probably create an enhancement request for that (and maybe even try and
implement it), but I have enough to do right now that I decided that I'd just
put up with it for now. But aside from the need for $(P ) macros, it's
actually quite pleasant to work with.

I do have to process the ddoc before giving it to the compiler in order to
generate the table of contents and index macros (since you can't generate
those with just macros), but since I'm using a D script to do the build,
that was actually pretty easy.

So, I'm writing a book on D which is written in D's documentation macro
language and using D to actually drive the build. It's all very D. :)

I'd write it first without bothering with any formatting commands. Add them in at the end. (This is how I do all my articles.)

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