On Mon, 17 Jun 2013 12:49:36 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

> On 6/17/13 11:48 AM, Justin Whear wrote:
>> I'm mrjnewt from Reddit;  I read the newsgroups Mon-Fri and post
>> infrequently.  The company I work for has been using D since 2008; we
>> have quite a few important pieces written in D, including the API which
>> powers our webtools, an extremely high performance economic simulation,
>> and we're in the process of moving all of our backend data processes to
>> D.
> Hi Justin - that's great to hear. What version of D are you using, which
> compiler are you using (dmd/gcd/ldc), and what is your schedule for
> upgrading the compiler?
> Thanks,
> Andrei

This request made me get off my rear and see what holding up adoption of 
2.063 on my current project.  I've filed a regression bug here: http://

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