On 6/17/13 4:56 PM, Justin Whear wrote:
On Mon, 17 Jun 2013 12:49:36 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 6/17/13 11:48 AM, Justin Whear wrote:
I'm mrjnewt from Reddit;  I read the newsgroups Mon-Fri and post
infrequently.  The company I work for has been using D since 2008; we
have quite a few important pieces written in D, including the API which
powers our webtools, an extremely high performance economic simulation,
and we're in the process of moving all of our backend data processes to

Hi Justin - that's great to hear. What version of D are you using, which
compiler are you using (dmd/gcd/ldc), and what is your schedule for
upgrading the compiler?



This request made me get off my rear and see what holding up adoption of
2.063 on my current project.  I've filed a regression bug here: http://

Thanks! I added a bugzilla keyword "industry" to stand for "The bug report is causing issues in industrial use (corporation using D in production)."


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