On Wednesday, 26 June 2013 at 14:26:03 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
Yeah, I think the best approach would be one that doesn't require changing a whole mass of code to support. Also, one that doesn't require language changes would be far more likely to be accepted, as the core D
devs are leery of adding yet more complications to the language.

That's why I proposed that gc_alloc and gc_free be made into
thread-global function pointers, that can be swapped with a custom allocator's version. This doesn't have to be visible to user code; it can just be an implementation detail in std.allocator, for example. It allows us to implement custom allocators across a block of code that doesn't know (and doesn't need to know) what allocator will be used.

Yes, being able to change gc_alloc, gc_free would do the work. If runtime remembers the stack of gc_alloc/gc_free functions like pushd, popd, that would simplify its usage.
I think this is a very nice and simple solution to the problem.

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