On Wednesday, 26 June 2013 at 12:19:35 UTC, bearophile wrote:
- is type x  the same as  print typeof(x)  ?

No, when it first compiles a user-defined type, the repl recursively maps out the type's structure. It does this to allow using 'print/type' without needing to do a compile, since these are done fairly often.

I have followed the instructions:

git clone https://github.com/callumenator/dabble
cd dabble
dub build --config=console

But the compilation stops with the errors:

Running dmd (compile)...
...\dub\packages\pegged-master\pegged\dynamic\grammar.d(245): Error: not a property eps ...\dub\packages\pegged-master\pegged\dynamic\grammar.d(418): Error: not a property fail

What compiler version are you using? I'm not seeing any problems with 2.063, I haven't tried a more recent version yet.

Thanks for comments!

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