On Thursday, 4 July 2013 at 20:58:57 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Thursday, July 04, 2013 22:46:12 Mehrdad wrote:
How would you possibly be able to find the roots?

By putting all of the same information there that we have in D. It may be clunkier to do in D and generally more of a pain, but you have just as much control over memory in C++ as you do in D.
And C++ GCs _do_ exist

Er, C++ _compilers_ that support (conservative?) GC's do exist.

But you can't write standard C++ code and expect it to garbage-collect itself, you need external help that's not guaranteed by the standard.

D, on the other hand, has a GC built into the language itself; it's not an implementation detail.

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