On Saturday, 6 July 2013 at 11:35:28 UTC, Manu wrote:
On 6 July 2013 21:23, TommiT <tommitiss...@hotmail.com> wrote:

On Saturday, 6 July 2013 at 10:34:04 UTC, Manu wrote:

I'm getting the distinct feeling that what I want is not actually
Which I have to say, is rather surprising.

This seems like a defect of the language. Perhaps a new language feature
is needed. Something like this:

void foo(inout T)(T t)

Pass a variable of type S, const(S), or mutable(S), and the function
signature becomes:

void foo(S);

And then fails if your argument cannot be converted to mutable S.

The way that makes the most sense to me is:

void f(T)(Unqual!T t) {}

That would look more sensible, but I don't think that's implementable if any template could be used in the place of 'Unqual'. For example:

struct Soo(T, int v)

template Too(T, int x)
    alias Too = Soo!(T, x * x - 102);

void foo(T, n)(Too!(T, n) var)

void main()
    Soo!(int, 42) var;

It would be pretty difficult for the compiler to figure out during the instantiation of foo that T == int and n == 12. I don't know, but I suspect it's pretty impossible to implement a compiler that could figure out those template parameters for every possible scenario.

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