On 07/06/2013 04:06 PM, Manu wrote:
    It seems that your code works if you put the Template Type explicit:
    import std.stdio;
    import std.traits : Unqual;

    void foo(T)(Unqual!T a) {
             writeln(typeof(a).stringof, " <-> ", T.stringof);

    void main() {
             int a;
             const int b;
             immutable int c;

             //foo(c); /// Error

Indeed, hence my point that the type deduction is the key issue here.
It should be possible... maybe a bit tricky though.

The key issue is that the syntax void foo(T)(Unqual!T a); denotes roughly the opposite of what you think it denotes. Basically, inference is instructed to find a T, such that Unqual!T is the argument type.

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