Jarrett Billingsley Wrote:

> It works, doesn't it?  How is "Console.WriteLine(...)" any better?

Yes it works... but it uses the opCall... why not use + for concatenation? :)

> If you create a single instance of Format!(wchar), you won't have that 
> problem.

Me... but if I use another API, it can create one indirectly.
> Because those are the three string encodings D supports, and only
> supporting one is a dumb idea.

Why? wchar is full compatible with all languages (if it is not please tell 
me)... also when I have many strings in different types, I need to convert it 
from one type to other in each part of the program. Why three when one is 

> are all Unicode, just different encodings.  However, even if you can
> throw an exception in Spanish, it might not print out correctly on
> Windows unless you have your console configured correctly.

Oh... I will take a look for that (console configuration)... but the char type 
dont supports some languages, because it only supports latin... Im wrong? The 
Exception on the two APIs uses char[]. I want Inernationalized programs.

> Please, two libraries are enough.  No más.

yes it is true... two librarians is a big number... but I need to write 
functional programs... not programs with bugs.
And... thanks again for your opinion :)

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