On Friday, 2 August 2013 at 05:35:28 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
Recently, I discovered an interesting idiom for dealing with transient ranges, esp. w.r.t. strings / char[]. Many places in D require string, but sometimes what you have is char[] which can't be converted to string except by .idup. But you don't want to .idup in generic code, because if
the input's already a string, then it's wasteful duplication.

Places in D that require `string` either do so because they need the immutable guarantee or they do so out of error (e.g. should have used a string of const characters instead). The latter can of course be worked around, but the only *solution* involves fixing the upstream code, so I'll assume we're discussing the former case.

We don't have any generic mechanism for deep copying ranges. The `save` primitive is often implemented by means of copying, but conceptually is doing something very different, so it cannot be applied here. So, I don't see how your idea translates to ranges in general (not completely sure if it was intended to).

Thus, let's tackle the case of arrays/slices in particular, of which strings are the most common example. There is a precedent in D to push to the decision to copy an array upwards in the code. When the operations at hand require the immutable guarantee, state it in the interface of the code, such as by asking for `string` on a function's parameter. That's why so many functions take `string` when they need the immutable guarantee, as opposed to `const(char)[]` or a template parameter, followed by a GC copy operation. This way, copies are not only minimized, but centralized more in user code where they are more visible, and the method of making the copy - remember, not all client code is fine with rampant GC use - is also pushed up. Also, copies are one thing, but what if the caller had a string but in a different encoding? Not only does an allocation have to be made, but decoding and encoding is also necessary; the details of how to handle this are also pushed up, with the same benefits. It's a pretty mainstream idiom and is often reiterated by members of the community, such as in Ali's talk at dconf.

Your proposed solution only shares one benefit with the solution described above - that if the direct caller had a `string` already (or a range of `string`s), nothing has to be done. It forfeits all the other benefits for convenience. It also has problems with template bloat, which can be fixed but at a syntactical cost.

Overall I think it reduces the genericity of algorithms by trying to handle input types it doesn't actually support, which can be a big problem for performance-critical code.

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