On Friday, 2 August 2013 at 11:19:05 UTC, Tobias Pankrath wrote:
On Friday, 2 August 2013 at 08:46:18 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:

Without doing this, you face the eternal problem: Should I return a "string", to give my end user more guarantees, when in fact my char array is perfectly mutable, or should I return a char[], forcing my end user to make an idup(or an unsafe cast) if he actually needed a string?

It's a tough problem to tackle.

The solution has been posted to this newsgroup already in form of unique/unaliased types. Thats THE selling point for them.

If you have an array of char and it could be char[] as well as string, than let the type system infer the right one for you.

Interesting. Thanks for the tip. I'll look these up.

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