H. S. Teoh:

OK, here's a draft of the article:


Most of the code below is not tested. So my suggestions may contain bugs or mistakes.

A bit improved chunkBy could go in Phobos.


For our purposes, though, we can't just do this in a loop, because it has to interface with the other components, which do not have a matching structure to a loop over dates.<

It's just because D doesn't yet have a yield designed like C#. "yield" for coroutines is a very nice kind of glue.


auto datesInYear(int year) {
    return Date(year, 1, 1)
        .recurrence!((a,n) => a[n-1] + dur!"days"(1))
        .until!(a => a.year > year);


auto datesInYear(in uint year) pure /*nothrow*/
in {
    assert(year > 1900);
} body {
    return Date(year, 1, 1)
           .recurrence!((a, n) => a[n - 1] + dur!"days"(1))
           .until!(d => d.year > year);

I suggest to align the dots vertically like that. And generally _all_ variables/arguments that don't need to mutate should be const or immutable (or enum), unless holes in Phobos or in the type system or other factors prevent you to do it.


return chunkBy!"a.month()"(dates);


return dates.chunkBy!q{ a.month };


byWeek() is not so simple. Most of its code is boilerplate code. Perhaps using a "yield" it becomes simpler.


string spaces(size_t n) {
    return repeat(' ').take(n).array.to!string;


string spaces(in size_t n) pure nothrow {
    return std.array.replicate(" ", n);

Currently in programs that import both std.range and std.array you have to qualify the module for replicate.

In Python this is just:

' ' * n


auto buf = appender!string();

Perhaps this suffices:

appender!string buf;


string[] days = map!((Date d) => " %2d".format(d.day))(r.front)

(not tested) ==>

const days = r.front.map!(d => " %2d".format(d.day)).array;


const string[] days = r
                      .map!(d => " %2d".format(d.day))


If you put the days inside buf, do you really need to turn days into an array with array()?

string[] days = map!((Date d) => " %2d".format(d.day))(r.front)
assert(days.length <= 7 - startDay);

Isn't this enough?

auto days = r.front.map!(d => " %2d".format(d.day));


If not already present this array should go in std.datetime or core.time:

    static immutable string[] monthNames = [
        "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
"July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"


return to!string(spaces(before) ~ name ~ spaces(after));

==> (untested)

return text(before.spaces, name, after.spaces);

Or maybe even just (untested):

return before.spaces ~ name ~ after.spaces;


auto formatMonth(Range)(Range monthDays)
    if (isInputRange!Range && is(ElementType!Range == Date))
    assert(monthDays.front.day == 1);

    return chain(
        [ monthTitle(monthDays.front.month) ],

===> (untested)

auto formatMonth(R)(R monthDays)
    if (isInputRange!R && is(ElementType!R == Date))
in {
    assert(monthDays.front.day == 1);
} body {
    return [monthDays.front.month.monthTitle]

Generally I suggest to use pre- and post conditions.


return months.map!((month) => month.formatMonth());

===> (untested)

return months.map!formatMonth;


.map!((r) =>


.map!(r =>


int year = to!int(args[1]);


int year = args[1].to!int;


On Rosettacode there is a shorter calendar:

If you want we can put, as second D entry, your calendar code (without unittests) in that page too.


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