On Monday, 5 August 2013 at 06:28:12 UTC, luminousone wrote:
perhaps a more generic solution should be looked at, extend contracts to work with all scope blocks.

in {
    ... before stuff ...
out {
    .... after stuff ...
body {
    case 1:
    in {
       ... etc ....
    out {
       ... more etc ...
    body {
    case 2:
      // and so on

or perhaps

for( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i ++ )
in {
    assert( i == 0 );
out {
    assert( i == 9 );
body {
   ... stuff ...

if it is desired for a particular contract block to be called in release builds perhaps a attribute label to mark it as a runtime block or something similar.

foreach( i, k ; somerange )
@runtime in {
body {

Please do not take offense, but I do not see this as a good idea. Contracts have a very different function; not just in D, but every language that uses them. The idea is to support design-by-contract programming. Overloading the constructs for the purposes proposed here would, in my opinion, cause confusion and/or weaken the proper use of contract programming.

The code in the contract conditions should never do anything more than what is necessary to specify the contract. It should not do explicit IO (other than implied by assert()), mutate state, or anything like that.

At the bottom of this page you can find a reading list for more info.

Or for a general overview:

Walter, does the D compiler or any of it's companion tools do any static analysis on the contracts? Such as a void safety/null reference check?

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