On Tue, 16 Jun 2009, BCS wrote:

> Reply to Benjamin,
> > Reply to Walter,
> > 
> > Someone in there started a gripe about installers (they doesn't want
> > to have to edit their path). Would you have any objections to (in
> > addition to the current .zip distro) having officially sanctioned
> > .rpm/.deb/.msi distros? Once the infrastructure is in place to build
> > any of them, the rest should be easy.
> > 
> p.s. I'm thinking of a setup where someone other than Walter maintains them.

>From a long term maintainability standpoint, if someone wants to produce 
an installer that's likely to have longevity, it should operate on the 
underlying .zip file.  Take the zip and open it, make whatever (hopefully 
damned few) changes necessary, and kick the os as needed.

Having to re-build the installer for every release is what has caused 
essentially every installer attempt to die a horrible lingering death.

My 2 cents,

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