BCS wrote:
Reply to Benjamin,

Reply to Walter,

Someone in there started a gripe about installers (they doesn't want
to have to edit their path). Would you have any objections to (in
addition to the current .zip distro) having officially sanctioned
.rpm/.deb/.msi distros? Once the infrastructure is in place to build
any of them, the rest should be easy.

p.s. I'm thinking of a setup where someone other than Walter maintains them.

I think that's a terrific idea. It's unlikely that Walter would dislike that, but let's hear from him.

People complaining about the lack of a modern simple installer do have a point. An installer is like the first impression, and therefore it's more important than most long-time users would think.

Cristi Vlasceanu has contributed a .deb packager for D, see http://www.dsource.org/projects/phobos/browser/trunk/rpmsrc. I am more than a bit disappointed that to this day Walter has failed to integrate that work in his build process. I am disappointed exactly because I know how important the installer is, something that Walter seems to be blindsided to (like most of us he empathizes with needs that he has too, but he seldom needs to install the compiler and knows exactly what to do, and subliminally assumes anyone would be as content with the installation process).

So, it would be beyond great if there was a troika of Windows, Linux, and Mac installers. It could actually be entirely automated - a cron job could poll ftp.digitalmars.com for new versions and create the installer as soon as a new version is posted there.


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