On Friday, 9 August 2013 at 03:29:20 UTC, JS wrote:

It's not his proposal. The burden of proof is on you.

I would think that if you really cared about the D lang you would want it to be the best it can...

In any case, I know very well that it is quite useless for me to make suggestions for D... but I'm definitely not going to sit here and type up use cases because you are too lazy, don't have the foresight, or don't care to think about the issue. The fact is, I'm most likely not going to be able to convince you to accept anything I say because:

1. Something only useful to you is acceptable. You don't find this useful because you haven't used this construct, hence it is not acceptable. (This is generally known as close minded)

2. Generally things I "propose" are simplifications of semantics. I like to work efficiently. My proposes can be accomplished long hand... and for you, that is good enough... Either because you do not use such semantics and hence get tired of the inefficiency or don't like simplifications because you inanely feel they take away from the language by adding too much "overhead"(in some form or another).

I don't have an opinion on this proposal one way or the other. I'm merely pointing out the way the process tends to work around here. If you have a serious proposal, it's your responsibility to present use cases for it. Others quite possibly will do so as well if they agree with you. Because it's not me, or Dicebot, or any of the other community members you have to convince (though it does help to have them championing your cause). It's Walter and Andrei who will ultimately give the thumbs up or down.

So if you want your proposals to be seriously considered for implementation, back them up with use cases. If not, then let them languish.

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