On 2013-08-16 13:10, Ali Çehreli wrote:
On 08/16/2013 09:27 AM, H. S. Teoh wrote:

 > The so-called "typetuple" (what dmd calls a "tuple") is a compile-time
 > construct that can contain types, aliases, compile-time values, etc.,
 > that only exist at compile-time.

They are all symbols, right? And symbols live only at compile time.


 > "Sequence" is OK, but risks confusion with std.range.sequence. Is there
 > a better word for it? Maybe an acronym -- CTS (compile-time sequence)?

SymbolTuple it is! :)


other posts made the point that it should not have "tuple" in the word at all. so what about just "symbols"? 
i would be happy to see it as a fully explained and supported language feature. then "symbols" could even be a key word 
in D and used without "!". it seems that all proposed short syntaxes have issues anyway, and i don't find 
symbols(int,"string",3,foo) too verbose.


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