Sorry I cannot reply to each thread comments quickly, so I discharge my
opinions at once.

D's built-in tuple can contain following entities:
 - Type
    int, long, array types, AA types, user-defined types, etc
 - Expressions
    interger, string literal, etc
 - Symbol
    user-defined types, templates, template instances, etc

Note that: an user-defined type would be treated as both Type and Symbol.

template Test() {}
alias X = std.typetuple.TypeTuple!(
    int, long, char[], int[int], const Object,  // Types
    1, "str", [1,2,3],  // Expressions (literal values)
    object.Object, Test, Test!(),   // Symbols

If all of the elements in a built-in tuple are Type, today it is normally
called "Type Tuple".
If all of the elements in a built-in tuple are Expressions, today it is
normally called "Expression Tuple".

Note that: today we cannot create a built-in tuple without using
TemplateTupleParameter cannot take expressions non-literal expressions,
most of current built-in tuples would contains only literal values as the

std.typecons.Tuple is an artifact of built-in tuple + alias this.

struct Tuple(T...) {
    T expand;   // 'expand' is a built-in tuple of
                // the implicitly defined fields that
                // typed T[0], T[1], ... T[$-1].
                // In spec, this is called "TupleDeclaration".
    alias expand this;  // forward indexing/slicing operators to
                        // the TupleDeclaration 'expand'
Tuple!(int, string) t;
t[];        // t.expand[]
t[0..$];    // t.expand[0..$]
t[1];       // t.expand[1]

So, std.typecons.Tuple _is not special_. You can define another Tuple
struct in the same way.
We should not define new syntax for the library utility std.typecons.Tuple.

If you want to return multiple values from a function, you must always wrap
them by std.typecons.Tuple, or other used-defined types. You cannot
directly return built-in tuple from a function.
(Built-in tuple return is mostly equivalent with multiple-value-return
issue. However it would be mostly impossible that defining calling
conversion scheme for that in portable)

The combination of built-in tuple and alias this would be one of the case
of built-in tuple of non-literal Expressions.
For example, `t.expand[1]` is equivalent with the dot expression
`t.__field_1` which cannot be taken by TemplateTupleParameter.
Therefore, `t.expand` would be the built-in tuple of the two dot
expressions `t.__field_0` and `t.__field_1`.

Therefore, calling built-in tuple "Alias Tuple" would not be correct so
built-in tuple can contain expressions that cannot be aliased.

My opinions agains various syntax proposals:

#(1, "str")
--> The character '#' is already used for the start of "Special Token
Sequences" Token Sequence

It is recognized in lexing phase, so adding semantic meaning to the '#'
character would be a contradict of D's principle.

Quote from
"The lexical analysis is independent of the syntax parsing and the semantic

Kenji Hara

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