Ok, I was trying to avoid expressing personal opinion until now and mostly keep track of comments of others but now that I have started reading docs/sources in details, will step down from review manager role for a moment and do some very subjective reviewing :)


Hot topic first. Ranges. As far as I can see it it is not about "lets stick range API whenever possible because it is the way Phobos does things". Key moment here to recognized use cases that are likely to require range-based interface and focus on them.

As far as I can see it there two important places where possibility for range-based API can be helpful - providing values for serialize and providing raw data to deserialize, as well as matching Archiver changes.

Former is relatively trivial - "serialize" should have an overload that accepts InputRange of monotyped values to take care of and provides ForwardRange as a result, which serializes values one-by-one lazily. Same goes to archiver.

Latter is a bit more interesting. It would have been cool if instead of accepting raw data chunk that matches deserialized object size serializer.deserialize could have accepted InputRange that provides sequence of any random chunks of raw data and use it to construct values on per-request basis, lazily. This will require maintaining a buffer that will keep unconsumed remainder of the last chunk and make some decisions about behavior in case of hitting "empty()" before getting enough data to deserialize object.

But it is not be something you should care about right now because only actual function/method signatures are needed with static asserts insides, actual implementation can be added later by anyone willing to spend time.


Now about my personal feeling about std.serialization as a potential user. Core functionality I'd like to see in such module is the ability to dump D data type state into arbitrary formats in a robust way that requires minimal interference from the user code. Something like what is done with toJSON/fromJSON in vibe.d API stuff but more generic when in comes to output formats and more robust when it comes to data hierarchies to load/store.

Judging by examples and documentation this is exactly what std.serialization does and I like it. It lacks some better output (Archiver) choices but it is more like Phobos fault.

What I really don't like is excessive amount of object in the API. For example, I have found no reason why I need to create serializer object to simply dump a struct state. It is both boilerplate and runtime overhead I can't justify. Only state serializer has is archiver - and it is simply collection of methods on its own. I prefer to be able to do something like `auto data = serialize!XmlArchiver(value);`

That is not something that would have made me vote against the inclusion (I think it is much needed anyway) but that may have discouraged me from using this part of Phobos and fall to some NIH syndrome.

I have found documentation complete enough to get a basic understanding personally but one thing that has caused some frustration is that docs don't make clear distinction between minimal stuff and extra features. For example, there is https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18386187/docs/std.serialization/std_serialization_serializable.html - my guess that it is only used if user wants to override default serialization method for an aggregate type. But documentation for it is written in such manner that it gives an impression that it is absolutely required.


Last thing is not really relevant but is more about general documentation problem. This may be the first package that makes use of new "package.d" system and it shows that we need some way to provide package-wide documentation to keep things clear. I guess for DDOC itself generating output from package.d is nothing special - but what about dlang.org? How hard will it be to update a documentation page to support own block for package roots?

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