On Thursday, 22 August 2013 at 07:59:56 UTC, qznc wrote:
There are basically two ways to implement generics. Type erasure (Java,Haskell) or template instantiation (C++,D). Instantiation provides better performance, but sacrifices error messages (fixable?), binary code size, and compilation modularity (template implementation must be available for instantiation). Type safety is not a problem in either approach.

See this brief discussion from Greg Morrisett on the topic, with a finer subdivision of approaches


that confirms your bad news that monomorphization (C++/D templates) and separate compilation won't play well together. Nor do monomorphization and some advanced type system features work together, but that's less of a worry for D.

That said, I like the D approach of putting a lot of power in the macro-like template system. I worry more about the reliance on GC in a systems programming language, as historically that's been a losing proposition.

-- Brian

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