On Thursday, 22 August 2013 at 15:06:18 UTC, Ramon wrote:
Let's end this trouble. There is a lot of work that awaits to be done.

I limit myself to

That was cheap, you have been using better techniques before :)

And, of course, the "D-crowd" is perfectly right assuming a newcomer to know their internal communication codes - while - the newcomer, of course, is plain wrong when assuming that words carry the meaning they carry for the rest of the world. Sure. Strikes me as brilliantly logical. I should bow before so much wisdom. How does one bow around here? By farting?

I have been reading this newsgroup for ~ an year before writing first comment not related to asking questions about D spec. Probably about two years until I felt I can participate in discussions in a constructive way. Still keep failing sometimes.

Don't expect that from you. Still answers the question. Actually, most self-regulating communities I have been part of worked that way.

And no, right now I don't have any good intentions about you. Can't state it anymore clear. I am not an official D spokesperson and I can afford to reason about people only by their words and deeds, ignoring all PR crap. One day you may do something worthy and I will regret it. Until then you are a miserable troll with disgusting attitude.

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