On 2013-08-31 14:11, Dicebot wrote:
Jacob, what are your current plans on this (considering recent range API
discussion thread)?

My todo list looks like this:

- write an overview documentation
- improve the documentation for std.serialization.serializable to indicate it's not required
- implement a convenience function for serializing
- implement a convenience function for serializing to a file
- remove Serializeable
- check only for "toData" when serializing
- check only for "fromData" when deserializing
- split Serializer in to two parts
- make the parts structs
- possibly provide class wrappers
- split Archive in two parts
- add range interface to Serializer and Archive
- rename all archives to archivers
- replace ddoc comments with regular comments for all package protected symbols

Although I'm guessing I won't be able to finish it in time for voting. How much time is it left anyway?

/Jacob Carlborg

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