=============== INTERRUPT ================

Can we, please, just for a moment leave details aside?

Dear Walter Bright

There are currently 3 threads addressing more or less the same issue: user experience.

You have, no doubt, created a wonderful, great and promising language. That's why we're here.

Yet we have heard from users who left. Not because D isn't good enough - actually it's so good that some at stay loosely connected and read and write here - but because in order to be useful and to grow and spread all over the universe, the power, the beauty and the elegance of a language must be found in practically interaction, too. In other words: user experience.

It seems in that context there are mainly 3 points coming up:

- Docs
- Debugging

And I'd like to add a 4th: C library bindings.

Obviously neither you nor any 3 or 5 of us can possibly make *every*one happy. Equally obviously, making too many not happy leads to potential D users leaving the language.

Shouldn't we find some reasonable common grounds? Shouldn't we at least discuss and create a rough ToDo route with some priorities?

There are, for instance, tools out there that allow to create various common formats for documentation, incl. HTML and .chm. Shouldn't we make an effort to identify and agree (or, if necessary, a dictum by you and/or Andrei) on some cross platform tool for documentation so as to be able to create all needed formats from one set of docs?

Thanks for D and - please - let us do the next step now. Let us not debate over Eclipse vs. Vim but agree that at least 1 cross platform IDE must be supported along with at least 1 cross platform Editor. Let us not only address language issues and problems with a narrow view but let us at the same time keep our mind open for the larger picture.

And let us agree that a not yet perfect language along with well useable and realiably working tools is worth at least as much as an ever more refined language with lousy, alpha, broken old, or simply not reasonably useable tools. The same goes for the tools. Let us have 1 set of cross platform tools, even primitive ones but realiable and reliably working ones rather than striving to have a variety tools for each and every OS and whim addressing every minute detail coming up.

Let's build a base - and then conquer the world.

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