On Tuesday, 3 September 2013 at 02:06:55 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
On Sun, 01 Sep 2013 19:01:20 +0200
"Volcz" <vo...@kth.se> wrote:

On Sunday, 1 September 2013 at 02:05:51 UTC, Manu wrote:
> </endrant>

Completely agree with Manu! I work in the Java + telecom world of programming and recently graduated, so that's the majority of my experience. From what I've seen and experienced is that most today programmers can't live without an IDE and a rock solid tool chain.

I've seen many solutions posted in this thread to parts of the problems, eg auto complete, debugging etc. The thing with an IDE is that it has "JUST WORK" it should work with all the different components seamlessly. The question I would like to ask is how can WE as a COMMUNITY improve this situation?
Official IDE support?
Official "IDE components"?

Other languages like Java have corporate backing. What difference makes this? Why doesn't we have a roadmap? How does other open source communities work and what can we learn from them?

Sorry for the un-structure of my post.

To be honest, I never found Eclipse to "just work", especially with anything other than Java. Actually, for anything but Java I always found it to be an unusable nightmare (But good for Java even if less than
perfect). Just FWIW.


The Eclipse!1Gigabyte.editor is pure bloatware. I don't use GUIs, except for debugging, but if D does get an official GUI please don't let it be Eclipse.


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