On 9 September 2013 14:49, Dicebot <pub...@dicebot.lv> wrote:
> Just in case someone has not understood it already: Ramon is using a pretty
> common trolling approach which can be shortly described as "make an insult,
> interpret any answer as a personal insult, appeal to cultural differences,
> loop". He has been doing it since the very first posts here and people are
> still taking it seriously.
> Unless someone starts banning people for not being constructive (hope it
> will never happen), only thing that can be done is simply ignoring it and
> focusing on topic. At the very least it will help to keep threads less
> bloated, at most - force him find more amusing trolling methods.
> Trying to reason with him is exactly what he needs to be able to provoke you
> more.
> Peace.

Being direct isn't helpful either, as it just causes more flames and
provocation.  I think it is generally well agreed here that attacks
and derogatory terms of any kind are not welcome, but this does not
require any form of moderation other than a gentle reminder.

With respect, if you wish your posts to be taken seriously and your
posts to have a more "adult" air to them, then using tired and
somewhat immature terms such as "Visual$, Windoze" etc is not going to
achieve that.  You do not need to use an insulting tone to promote D,
and using such terms only makes you look bad.

Of course, some of us (myself being included as pretty big FSF
advocate) like the GNU/Linux way of doing things better, but as they
say, there's more than one way to cook a goose. Do we really need to
treat people disrespectfully?

Iain Buclaw

*(p < e ? p++ : p) = (c & 0x0f) + '0';

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