Am 09.09.2013 10:29, schrieb Russel Winder:
On Sun, 2013-09-08 at 23:00 +0200, Ramon wrote:
Just for the sake of completeness:

mono is *detested* and considered even more inacceptable than
java by many linux and (even more) *BSD users.

It also appears that Microsoft are beginning to think the whole CLR
thing is on it's last legs.

The whole "all non-Windows users have to hate C#" thing has some basis
in fact but also had a lot of FUD associated with it.  The "Mono hatred"
stemmed from that. So will Microsoft go after Mono with patent suits if
they are not themselves using C# and CLR? They possibly might as an
income stream, but it is unlikely to be profitable and so may be not.

Without solid support from Microsoft the C#F#/CLR culture is unlikely to
remain strong, despite the serious success F# has had in making people
interested in CLR. And C# is not a bad language, in many ways much
better than Java. But Java has staying power in ways C#/F# do not.

I wonder where you got this idea from.

.NET is pretty strong at Microsoft conferences, even this year BUILD had lots of new goodies announced.

They can decide to target the WinRT runtime instead of the CLR, go fully
native instead of generating MSIL bytecodes, or keep using CLR.

There are lots of options still open and as someone that is active in both JVM and .NET worlds, I don't see .NET slowing down in the enterprise space. Pretty much the contrary actually, looking at the
requests for proposals my employer receives.


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