(After traveling on Sunday and Monday, and after wondering why people still argue with me after I'd sent the message below, I opened my laptop to find it, still unsent, in Drafts. I must have forgotten to send it, or sending failed... sorry.)

On 9/16/13 10:07 AM, H. S. Teoh wrote:
I can attest to that. I'm on another mailing list where one of the list
members is sight-impaired, and she complains about how some websites
(i.e. those that suffer from heavy divitis and spanitis) simply can't be
read in any sane way by the screen reader. Using built-in semantic tags
like <dl> can make a world of difference for these users, since the
screen reader has no idea what class="d_decl" means, but it *does* know
what <dl> means. I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss it.

OK, I think this is a solid argument (Adam also made it but I hadn't grokked it).

So the idea here is that the specific HTML attributes do have meaning to the renderer that are difficult or impossible to specify in, or infer from, the stylesheet. A google search for divitis spanitis destroyed my former opinion.


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