On Wed, 18 Sep 2013 21:45:42 +0200
Jacob Carlborg <d...@me.com> wrote:

> On 2013-09-18 20:49, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> > Sam Adams is well regarded but I've always found any of their
> > varieties overly bitter. But then I'm not usually into the bitter
> > ones anyway - Stella is more my style (or many of the other "German
> > beer purity law" imports). If I do go for a bitter one though,
> > Sierra Nevada's IPA is quite impressive.
> If I recall correctly, Stella doesn't taste very much, but I can be
> wrong.

It's possible that might have something to do with why I like it...I
enjoyed Labatt even though it basically tasted like water (or maybe
because of that?? I do like water...)

> They also have a beer called Ctrl Alt Delete :)
> http://www.nilsoscar.se/index.php/en/sortiment/ol/ctrl-alt-delete

That's both awesome and incredibly frightening!

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