== Quote from Tom S (h3r3...@remove.mat.uni.torun.pl)'s article
> Sean Kelly wrote:
> > == Quote from Tom S (h3r3...@remove.mat.uni.torun.pl)'s article
> >
> >> And apparently, there's been very
> >> little contact with Sean lately, so it's a case of 'us' vs 'them' again.
> >
> > No one has tried to contact me.  I talked with Fawzi a bit shortly after
> > Druntime was created, but that's it.  I'm too busy to even do the things
> > I have planned for Druntime anyway, so I'm not about to chase people
> > down to try add yet more tasks to my list.
> Here I've based my words on a chat with Lars, but it might be that you
> being so busy was misinterpreted as not willing to communicate and
> "acting a bit weird". It might be hard to get it out of him now, as he
> seems to have given up on NG discussions :(

For a while, there was an attempt among the Tango folks to make me an
ambassador of sorts to Walter and Andrei.  I never really understood the
need for this, and I suggested that whoever wanted to contact whoever
else simply do so.  Near as I can tell, this made me appear divisive to
some.  More to the point, when I was working on Tango I acted upon
my own best judgment and was trusted to do so by those involved.  This
changed as soon as talk of collaboration began, and the Tango folks
suggested repeatedly that there must be some sort of group consensus
before I made any functional runtime change.  There's more, but it's all
in the same vein.

To be quite frank, I would walk away from D entirely before I'd let myself
be put in such a position, and were it not for the fact that I was the only
person with the ability to resolve some of the issues involved in the
collaboration discussions, I'd have walked away right then because of the
pressure the Tango team was putting on me.  If this has earned me a bad
reputation in some circles, so be it.  I continue to consider Tango support
when making changes to Druntime, and if the Tango team doesn't intend
to use Druntime that's really their problem at this point.

I normally wouldn't air such dirty laundry in public, but this thread shows
that there's still a lot of confusion about where things stand concerning
Druntime and Tango, and so I think it may help to at least outline my
perspective on the issue.  My sincerest hope is that people will let this
go, and focus their energies on something more productive.

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