On Sep 25, 2013, at 7:46 AM, Bruno Medeiros <brunodomedeiros+...@gmail.com> 

> On 24/09/2013 07:19, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
>> On 2013-09-23 21:50, Bruno Medeiros wrote:
>>> (what about Mac though?)
>> The sate of debugging on Mac OS X is worse than on Linux. There are a
>> couple of problems:
>> * D symbols need to be prefixed with an extra underscore
>> * The GDB system debugger is very old. It doesn't have the D patches the
>> upstream GDB has. Apple is using LLDB as the new system debugger
>> instead, which doesn't have any D patches at all
> Ehhh? What's up with Mac OS X and all those outdated operating system managed 
> installations? (I'm referring to the similar issues with had with the JVM)
> Can't you easily install a newer GDB yourself, outside of Mac OS management? 
> If it can be done even in Windows (with Cygwin or MSYS), surely it can in Mac 
> as well, no?

Probably.  But it would be nice if this worked with the compiler that ships 
with OSX.  And for what it's worth, "gcc" on OSX isn't GCC any more either.  
It's a wrapper around the LLVM C compiler.

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