On 26/09/2013 09:06, Rainer Schuetze wrote:
I'm not that pessimistic. Every decent debugger on Windows understands
PDB as there are standard libraries to use them. I guess they can be
used (after conveting debug information with cv2pdb for win32) as much
as Visual Studio. The visualization addons are specific to VS, though.

True, but using those debugging libraries under Java might not be feasible (if they are C# for example), or too much hard work to interface (if they are C/C++ based for example). The ideal interface is a command-line debugger that can be controlled with some IPC interface (stdin/stdout or plain sockets), like GDB and others. I wonder if any decent PDB debuggers support that (and are free). (I haven't looked into that, as for the moment I will focus on GDB support only)

Bruno Medeiros - Software Engineer

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