On Sunday, 29 September 2013 at 22:00:02 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
We're literally having new people coming in to IRC every day saying they can't read the D documentation because of hyphenator completely blocking the website (before the browser forces it to stop loading).

If Andrei still wants it in, fine, but re-add it **later** once it's fixed or implemented properly. We can't have the site be unusable in
the meantime. E.g. loading the following page blocks the latest
version of Firefox for several seconds before getting a dialog box
asking the user to stop the script:


Remove hyphenator, sync up the website, and them make a decision on what to do later. I am really pissed off at how many D newcomers get thrown off, because someone is sitting on their hands with the key to the website in their pocket. We might as well (as a community) move the entire website over to another place, and end this veto nonsense.


The lag really pisses me off and I couldn't care less about the hyphenation. Cosmetic features like this are OK but only if they don't slow users down. If they _are_ slowing users down, they shouldn't exist.

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