On Saturday, 5 October 2013 at 00:24:22 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
2. I do vote for inclusion in the /etc/ package for the time being.

What is your vision for the future of etc.*, assuming that we are also going to promote DUB (or another package manager) to "official" status soon as well?

Personally, I always found etc.* to be on some strange middle ground between official and non-official – Can I expect these modules to stay around for a longer amount of time? Keep API compatibility according to Phobos policies? The fact that e.g. the libcurl C API modules are also in there makes it seem like a grab-bag of random stuff we didn't quite want to put anywhere else, at least to me.

The docs aren't really helpful either: »Modules in etc are not standard D modules. They are here because they are experimental, or for some other reason are not quite suitable for std, although they are still useful.«


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