Updated incorporating Steven's suggestion, and some comments about shared/const/mutable/purity.


    Adding Reference Counting to D

D currently supports manual memory management and generalized GC. Unfortunately, the pausing and memory consumption inherent in GC is not acceptable for many programs, and manual memory management is error-prone, tedious, and unsafe. A third style, reference counting (RC),
addresses this. Common implementations are COM's AddRef/Release, Objective-C's 
and C++'s shared_ptr<>.

None of these three schemes are guaranteed memory-safe, they all require the programmer to conform to a protocol (even O-C's ARC). Stepping outside of the protocol results in memory corruption. A D implementation must make it possible to use ref counted objects in code marked as @safe, although it will be necessary for the implementation of those
objects to be unsafe.

Some aspects of a D implementation are inevitable:

1. Avoid any requirement for more pointer types. This would cause drastic increases in complexity for both the compiler and the user. It may make generic code much more difficult
to write.

2. Decay of a ref-counted pointer to a non-ref-counted pointer is unsafe, and can only be allowed (in @safe code) in circumstances where it can be statically proven to be safe.

3. A ref counted object is inherently a reference type, not a value type.

4. The compiler needs to know about ref counted types.


If a class contains the following methods, in either itself or a base class, it 
an RC class:

    T AddRef();
    T Release();

An RC class is like a regular D class with these additional semantics:

1. In @safe code, casting (implicit or explicit) to a base class that does not
have both AddRef() and Release() is an error.

2. Initialization of a class reference causes a call to AddRef().

3. Assignment to a class reference causes a call to AddRef() on the new value
followed by a call to Release() on its original value.

4. Null checks are done before calling any AddRef() or Release().

5. Upon scope exit of all RC variables or temporaries, a call to Release() is performed,
analogously to the destruction of struct variables and temporaries.

6. If a class or struct contains RC fields, calls to Release() for those fields 
be added to the destructor, and a destructor will be created if one doesn't exist already.

7. If a closure is created that contains RC fields, either a compile time error will be
generated or a destructor will be created for it.

8. Explicit calls to AddRef/Release will not be allowed in @safe code.

9. A call to AddRef() will be added to any argument passed as a parameter.

10. Function returns have an AddRef() already done to the return value.

11. The compiler can elide any AddRef()/Release() calls it can prove are 

12. AddRef() is not called when passed as the implicit 'this' reference.

13. Taking the address of, or passing by reference, any fields of an RC object
is not allowed in @safe code. Passing by reference an RC field is allowed.

14. RC objects will still be allocated on the GC heap - this means that a normal
GC run will reap RC objects that are in a cycle, and RC objects will get automatically
scanned for heap references with no additional action required by the user.

15. The class implementor will be responsible for deciding whether or not to 
sharing. Casting to shared is already disallowed in @safe code, so this is only
viable in system code.

16. RC objects cannot be const or immutable.

17. Can RC objects be arguments to pure functions?

==Existing Code==

D COM objects already have AddRef() and Release(). This proposal should not 
that code, it'll just mean that there will be extra AddRef()/Release calls made.
Calling AddRef()/Release() should never have been allowed in @safe code anyway.

Any other existing uses of AddRef()/Release() will break.


Built-in arrays have no place to put a reference count. Ref counted arrays would hence
become a library type, based on a ref counted class with overloaded operators 
the array operations.


This is a very flexible approach, allowing for support of general RC objects, as well as specific support for COM objects and Objective-C ARC. AddRef()/Release()'s implementation
is entirely up to the user or library writer.

@safe code can be guaranteed to be memory safe, as long as AddRef()/Release() are correctly

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