Am 14.10.2013 11:01, schrieb Walter Bright:
On 10/14/2013 1:57 AM, Benjamin Thaut wrote:
Am 14.10.2013 10:56, schrieb Walter Bright:
On 10/14/2013 12:24 AM, Benjamin Thaut wrote:
compiling the latest druntime with the latest dmd for windows 32-bit I
get the
following error message:

lib\druntime.lib: Error: corrupt object module

On windows 64-bit everything works fine. Any ideas why this happens?

It means it isn't a correct 32 bit object file.

And what could cause this? I already tried manually deleting
everything thats
not checked into git. "make -f win32.mak clean" doesn't help either.

I can't reproduce that error, and neither can the autotester.

I found it: src\rt\minit.obj is corrupt. When I copy the file from the 2.064 beta package it builds sucessfully. Might have to do something with the line ending settings in git.

Maybe a .gitattributes file setting *.obj to binary should be added to the druntime repository to prevent issues like this.

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

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