Per: NG D
Soggetto: Re: Case Range Statement ..

Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:
> That would be a fish. We want to learn fishing.

Tuples (as the tuples of Python, but represented with a different literal 
syntax, please) can be useful in really many situations, so hard-coding them in 
a language can be acceptable (that's why D has built-in dynamic arrays and 
associative arrays, for example).

Currently the tuples (the Record/record of my dlibs) of Phobos doesn't support 
"necessary" usages like:

for x,y in [(1,2), (3,4)]: ...
x, y, z = (1, 2, 3)
Or even, from Python 3+:
x, y, *z = (1, 2, 3, 4)

So it's a matter of balance, sometimes you need the flexibility (to learn 
fishing) and sometimes a handy and hard-coded solution is fine (because you 
need to eat a bowl of rice every day). You can add some built-in "defaults" 
too, with a nice short syntax for the programmer and a semantic that allows the 
compiler to digest them well (because very general features are often more hard 
for the compiler to compile them well, and require a more complex compiler. If 
you want a simple example, in D even foreach() is slower than for() when 
compiled with DMD, so I usually avoid foreach in the inner loops).

Regarding the "learn fishing", for example recently I have discussed about 
adding an OpBool to structs and classes, to allow to use if(x) when x is a 
BigInt (in the meantime I have found C# has such thing, even if they allow to 
define both true() and false(), I don't know why). There are other similar 
things that can be done in such regard.

Too much hard-coding leads to languages like Java, and too much flexibility 
leads to languages like Lisp where you can do anything, and where essentially 
every programmer does thigns in a different way, and this leads to the mess 
that's now Lisp. Python is less flexible than Lisp, you can't metaprogram it 
much, and both the semantic, the syntax and even the way people write source 
code is hard-coded and standard, the result is that today you can find a Python 
module to do anything, because re-using modules written by other people is 
easy, and it's easy to understand what's inside such modules. Here too you can 
see that's it's better to find a compromise between having a fish and learning 


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