On 2013-11-10 17:49, Tyro[17] wrote:
What is the proper way to configure DMD for use on BSD systems?

There is no freebsd or openbsd folder in the zip file so the
instructions on dlang.org/dmd-freebsd.html cannot be followed as
written. I tried building from source but get the following errors:

This happened on OpenBSD, FreeBSD and DragonFlyBSD. I am running the
64bit version of all these operating systems. Which actually might be
the problem now that I think about it. Does DMD even support the 64bit
version  of Free/OpenBSD?

Yes, DMD works on FreeBSD, both 32bit and 64bit. I've sent pre-compiled binaries to Walter. I don't know if he wants to put them online. As nazriel said, you need to run it with gmake (GNU make).

/Jacob Carlborg

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