On Sunday, 10 November 2013 at 21:20:34 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
I've been thinking quite long of how AST macros could look like in D. I've been posting my vision of AST macros here in the newsgroup a couple of times already. I've now been asked to create a DIP out of it, so here it is:


One of our targets for AST macros should be the ability to replicate roughly linq from c# / .net.

An example syntax for use with AST could be:

auto data = [5, 7, 9];
int[] data2;
query {
 from value in data
 where value >= 6
 add to data2

Could be unwrapped to:

auto data = [5, 7, 9];
int[] data2;
foreach(value; data) {
 if (value >= 6) data2 ~= value;

This isn't a thought out design but it should at least be a target or a possibility.
Also c#'s get set should be rather similar as well.

getset {
 public int id;
 private bool exit;

Would translate to:

private int id;
private bool exit;
@property {
 void id(int v) {this.id = v;}
 void exit(bool v) { this.exit = v; }
 int id() { return this.id; }
 bool exit() { return this.exit; }

This would definitely open new possibilities up.
Disclaimer I don't like c# or .net but I am partial to these features.

At current point I think the DIP does have the necessary features to implement this. However it would be nice for safety to be able to get all scope variables of where the macro was initiated from. Being able to check for if a variable exists could provide much needed compile safety and better error messages.

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