On Sunday, 10 November 2013 at 12:24:59 UTC, Daniel Murphy wrote:
"Andrei Alexandrescu" <seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org> wrote in message
On 11/9/13 9:37 PM, Daniel Murphy wrote:
"deadalnix" <deadal...@gmail.com> wrote in message

Out of curiosity, how do you handle exceptions ?

I didn't. This was focussed on a subset suitable for microcontrollers. I
would probably emit C++ instead if exceptions were required.

That doesn't quite rhyme with C being a good backend language :o).


I guess it's not for the full language, but if you can't use gdc or llvm,
chances are your platform is too constrained to use exceptions.
 I don't
mean C is capable of representing everything, but it can handle a large and
useful subset.

My ideal is to have exceptions in C anyways. I don't understand why people are so afraid of this. It's doable in very portable ways, and D's nothrow attribute gives a good hint to the compiler that can be used to avoid performance drains in inappropriate places.

I think that setjmp/longjmp comes to mind most of the time because it is what people would normally use in C if they have to write the C code by hand. This is one approach that I would have a compiler optionally emit, controllable by a command-line flag (--c-exceptions=sjlj or somesuch).

There is a different approach that I'd want to try first: alter the calling convention and always pass an exception object as the first argument (but only if the called function can throw).

Given this example:


float baz(int a);

void foo()
    int a = 42;
    // do stuff
    float b = baz(a);
    // do other stuff

float bar()
        return baz(9);
    catch( Exception e )
        return 0.0;


The D->C compiler would emit code like so:


float baz(Exception *exception, int a);

void foo(Exception *exception)
    int a = 42;
    // do stuff
    float b = baz(exception, a);
    if ( exception->thrown )
    // do other stuff

float bar(Exception *exception)
    float result = baz(exception, 9);
    if ( exception->thrown )
        goto ExceptionHandler1;
    return result;

    Exception *e = exception;
    return 0.0;

(Name mangling omitted for the sake of sanity.)

This is not something that you'd want to do by hand when writing C-code, though that doesn't stop people from trying to poorly approximate it using integer return values ;)

It would integrate nicely with scope, because the compiler would know where to put all of the goto statements and labels.

It's also made of pointers, ifs, goto's, and labels: stuff that any usable C compiler should have. Super portable.

The drawback: This would, of course, not link nicely with code generated by other D compilers. I don't mind this at all though, because if you're using this then it's probably because there aren't any other D compilers supporting your platform anyways.

I've already written a bunch of C code that emulates exception handling + scope statements using setjmp/longjmp, and I really wish that a compiler could write better optimized C code /for/ me.

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