On Monday, 25 November 2013 at 07:38:38 UTC, Jordi Sayol wrote:
"std.net.curl" can also be moved from Phobos to Deimos.
Deimos can be rethink, i.e. new build master can add a make building script on Deimos in order to compile all projects included on it, generating "libdeimos.a" and "libdeimos.so", documentation, etc.

Deimos currently only hosts bindings, not wrappers, as part of
its objective. So, etc.c.curl would be appropriate, but
std.net.curl would be unprecedented.

I think both etc.c.curl and std.net.curl should just be ripped
out and moved into a CurlD (or whatever) project, hosted by
someone on Github (such as Jonas Drewsen or a maintainer), on the
grounds that I don't think Phobos is a place for wrapper

I think std.net.curl is a well designed wrapper library, and I
would happily continue to use it in my projects, but I don't
think it's appropriate for Phobos.

As an aside, personally I think Deimos is pointless; and worse,
horribly executed (A Github organization? Really?). A simple wiki
page like this one[1] can do the job much better and without the
ridiculous self-imposed disadvantages we are putting up with by
using a Github organization.

[1] http://wiki.dlang.org/Bindings

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