My two cents.

1. Too long lines. Preferred length for readability is 60-80 characters per
2. I have to scroll quite a while until I see some *code*. I lose interest
with every paragraph about tools setup. Some sentences are blatantly
redundant, like 'I installed DMD by double-clicking on the .deb file' - not
only this suggests that your audience has no idea what a .deb file is, but
it's not even directed to your reader. I mean, people are supposed to read
that part as an instruction, but instead they read about your experience.
And what could be worse than installation of the compiler being non-obvious?
3. Again, as a beginner, I want to see a script that I can paste into
terminal and which will install the necessary tools while I'm reading next
section. Instead of 'some' directory, use a concrete one.
4. Documentation. Two paragraphs instead of two *links* - both standard
library and GTKd have online documentation, why do you point readers to
local documentation in the Internet era?
5. Screenshots. Why can't I just see how you CodeBlocks setup looks like,
instead of reading the description in plain text?
6. Maybe - just maybe - CodeBlocks setup should go into a separate post.
After all, if your readers can type 'make' to compile GTKd, why can't they
type 'dmd'?

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