On 2013-12-09 09:45, Walter Bright wrote:

Try this:

   pure int foo (int a, int b) nothrow {
     return a + b;

   int test() {
     return foo(1, 2) + foo(1, 2);

Compile with:

   dmd foo -O -release -c

And dump the assembly:

             push    EAX
             mov     EAX,2
             push    1
             call    near ptr _D3foo3fooFNaNbiiZi
             add     EAX,EAX
             pop     ECX

Granted, more cases can be done, but it *does* take advantage of purity
here and there.

Yeah, that worked. I tried to do as simple case I could think of.

/Jacob Carlborg

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