On Sunday, 29 December 2013 at 21:26:33 UTC, CJS wrote:
A variation of that is what numpy and Eigen use. In numpy, for
the array class '*' is element-wise by default and the function
np.dot is matrix multiplication. For Eigen '*' is matrix
multiplication by default while the (member) function
cwiseProduct is element-wise. One the one hand, this is more
readable than matlab or R in terms of having a clear default.
(Whereas in matlab you have to be careful to distinguish between
'.*' and '*', or '*' and '%*%' in R.) But it's both hideous to
look at and to type. An improvement over .add or .times in Java
matrix libraries, but far from Nirvana. I'm hoping D can do

How would you like the syntax to be, in an ideal world?

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