On 2013-12-31 00:37, Walter Bright wrote:

I don't see any particular advantage to using (name) rather than $(REF
name), and some serious disadvantages with false positives like
func(param). Oops! A markup language should really strive to minimize
special syntax. (I'm often tripped up by false positives in the wacky
markup languages in Skype, Github, Reddit, etc., each of which feels
compelled to reinvent markup.)

You never addressed any of my other suggestions. Would suggestion B, that is having a special macro that compiler knows about, be an acceptable solution? Because the current behavior is not good enough.

My bias is towards being extremely conservative in adding new features
to Ddoc, instead we should strive to get the max out of the existing
system, and even rely on external post processors.

If Ddoc requires post processing to be useful it's a complete failure. Why don't we instead strive to make it the best documentation generator for D?

/Jacob Carlborg

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