On Tuesday, 7 January 2014 at 00:54:10 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Why not just return arr.dup instead? You're returning a slice of a stack-allocated array, so of course you shouldn't write code like this.

In certain critical code paths heap allocations are evil (perhaps even if your generational GC has a stack-like nursery, that currently the D GC doesn't have) :-) And you also want to minimize copies and initializations.


Wouldn't it be better to simply allocate on the stack directly in the calling function? Or if that is not a possibility use a region allocator or even a ScopeStack allocator? It's basically just a pointer bump so it should be fast.

So it would translate to something like this:

int[] foo(Allocator)(ref Allocator allocator)
   auto arr = allocator.allocate!(int[])(5);
   foreach(i, ref elem; arr)
      elem = i;
   return arr;

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