On Wed, Jan 08, 2014 at 02:10:04AM +0000, Ross Hays wrote:
> >     pow : real base, real exponent -> real
> >     {
> >             // Variable declaration
> >             tmp1 : real;
> >
> >             // Variable declaration with initializer
> >             result : real = dotDotDotMagic(base, exponent, tmp1);
> >
> >             // Statement as usual
> >             return result;
> >     }
> >
> >
> >T
> I generally prefer the C style declarations that we already have in
> D, but that syntax is pretty nice too...

I like C style declarations too, but as someone said, it's a matter of
what you're accustomed to. The above was just my idea of the what-if
scenario where we redesign D syntax (I doubt it's ever going to happen,
definitely not happening in D2, and probably won't be in D3 either, if
we ever get to that point).


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