I've placed on behalf of Facebook a few more bounties on D-related issues. There's a bit of budget (a few hundred only) earmarked for GDC- and LDC-specific stuff. I didn't hear anything from Iain Buclaw (what's happening?) and am discussing with Kai Nacke the best angle of attack regarding LDC issues.


Now here's where it gets interesting. Facebook would be glad to increase the bounty budget if that helps, i.e. if bounties do help bugs get fixed and things moving forward.

Although we've seen no change in the general activity, there was little improvement in activity on the bugs selected for bounties, although quite a few of them aren't difficult to fix.

Here's where you (singular and plural) can help. By working on these bugs not only you make a buck, but also push the language state of the art forward and entice more involvement from Facebook. (For ethical reasons, Walter and I decided to not participate.)

So... have at it! Let's bust these bugs and show the world we're serious.


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