Hello! I didn't really know if I should post here or not but I decided I should try. I recently started reading up on the IRC protocol and thought I would try to mess with it a bit and see if I could implement a server with a few features, just for fun. I'm already having trouble...
(I'm using the XChat client for testing)
If I've read the various specifications of the IRC protocol correctly the client should be the first one sending data to the server, either the pass message or the nick message (if a user). (If this is wrong stop right here and let me know)

With this assumption I was working with sockets and I'm failing to receive any data from the client, absolutely none. The connection is successful, the connection terminates when the socket is disposed of, I'm just getting absolutely no data from the client. Here's an example piece of code that would give this behavior:
Server.socket = new TcpSocket();
try {
    socket.bind(new InternetAddress(Server.port));
} catch (Exception e) {
Socket client = socket.accept();
byte[] buffer;


Any suggestions, corrections, or help with this is very much appreciated! I'm very curious on this subject. (I feel like I'm doing something really wrong or something... sometimes it takes more than 2 eyes to see something simple

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