On Friday, 17 January 2014 at 01:42:38 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Walter and I were talking today about the null pointer issue and he had the following idea.

One common idiom to replace null pointer exceptions with milder reproducible errors is the null object pattern, i.e. there is one object that is used in lieu of the null reference to initialize all otherwise uninitialized references. In D that would translate naturally to:

class Widget
    private int x;
    private Widget parent;
    this(int y) { x = y; }
    // Here's the interesting part
    static Widget init = new Widget(42);

Currently the last line doesn't compile, but we can make it work if the respective constructor is callable during compilation. The compiler will allocate a static buffer for the "new"ed Widget object and will make init point there.

Whenever a Widget is to be default-initialized, it will point to Widget.init (i.e. it won't be null). This beautifully extends the language because currently (with no init definition) Widget.init is null.

So the init Widget will satisfy:

assert(x == 42 && parent is Widget.init);

Further avenues are opened by thinking what happens if e.g. init is private or @disable-d.



Throwing out some more ideas, though non of this compiles right now (and I managed to make the compiler ICE).

class Widget
        private int x;
        this(int y) { x = y; }
        public @property int halfOfX() { return x / 2; }
        public void printHello() { std.stdio.writeln("Hello"); }
//Error: 'this' is only defined in non-static member functions,
        //not Widget
        static Widget init = new class Widget
                @disable public override @property int halfOfX();
                @disable public override void printHello();
                this() { super(int.init); }

Another idea that unfortunately doesn't work due to the way static assert works:

class Widget
        private int x;
        this(int y) { x = y; }
        public @property int halfOfX() { return x / 2; }
        public void printHello() { std.stdio.writeln("Hello"); }
        static Widget init = new class Widget
                //Error: static assert  "Tried to access halfOfX
                //property of null Widget"
                override @property int halfOfX()
                    static assert(false,
"Tried to access halfOfX property of null Widget");
        override void printHello()
            static assert(false,
"Tried to access halfOfX property of null Widget");
                this() { super(int.init); }

Is there any way to get around this?

And then there's this, which causes an ICE:

class Widget
        private int x;
        this(int y) { x = y; }
        public @property int halfOfX() { return x / 2; }
        public void printHello() { std.stdio.writeln("Hello"); }
        static Widget init = new class Widget

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